Upcoming events

DEEPICE Training school 2: Statistical and Modelling tools

DEEPICE 2nd training school will focus on statistical and modelling tools used for ice cores analysis.

In particular, the students will attend courses on time-series analysis with application to existing ice core data, as well as introduction to climate modelling dynamics, coupled ocean-atmosphere-ice climate models and ice dynamics processes.

The school will combine theoritical parts and practical parts.

More information coming soon.

🗓 September              19-23




Past events

DEEPICE Training school 1: Instrumental techniques and ice-core data acquisition

DEEPICE 1st training school will be focusing on instrumental techniques and ice-core data acquisition.The training school will be organised in 2 parts.

During the first part of the training school, DEEPICE ESRs will participate to the annual ICAT training school (Ice Core Analysis Techniques) which will take place at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. It will offer the participants a detailed introduction to the variety of climate and geophysical information that can be obtained from ice cores.

The second part will be organised by DEEPICE scientists and will take place at Finse Alpine Research Center in Norway. It will aim at giving early stage researchers a a background for how to plan and execute field work related to snow and ice core research, as well as an introduction to instrumental measures through practical demonstration.

ICAT training school and DEEPICE – Finse training school are open to external students.

More information about ICAT

More information about DEEPICE – Finse training school

🗓 March 14-26



    Denmark &

    Finse, Norway