Communication & educational resources


DEEPICE project features several communication & outreach activities so as to train the early career scientists to acquire communication skills, but also to inform the public of the type of research funded by this European project.

On this page, you will find several communication products produced as part of DEEPICE project:

DEEPICE presentation video

DEEPICE Stories – an educational videos series about ice & climate

DEEPICE Infographics about ice core sciences

DEEPICE Factsheet

Past Global Changes Magazine – special issue on ice cores, featuring DEEPICE project

This material can be used for communication & educational purposes

You will find links to other educational resources about ice cores, Antarctica, paleoclimate & polar sciences.


DEEPICE project explained in a 7mn-video, featuring interviews with the project participants.

Educational video series DEEPICE Stories – Insights Into Ice & Climate

Designed as an open access educational resource, the series is aimed at secondary school pupils and their teachers, as well as the general public, who want to learn more about ice and climate. Watch the series on the DEEPICE YouTube channel. Subtitles are available in French, Spanish, Italian and English.

We also provide a quiz designed specifically for educators to use in their classrooms, with one to two questions by video for students to answer.

DEEPICE conference (in French)

Watch the replay of this online conference organised with the French organisation Cité des Sciences on June 4, 2024 to learn more about ice core research and the DEEPICE project.

DEEPICE Infographics

DEEPICE Infographics present in an educational and simplified way in what ice core sciences consist in.

It illustrates the scientific context of DEEPICE: the 15 PhD students are working on developing either analytical techniques to extract the data from the ice (proxies), as well as new interpretation of this climate proxies relying on updated statistical tools & models, as well as the quantification of the processes which create and alter the climate signal in the ice.

Their work will enable an optimal analysis of the very old and precious ice samples that will be obtained from the new Antarctic Ice Core Drilling project Beyond EPICA, in a few years from now.

The ultimate scientific goal of DEEPICE and Beyond EPICA scientific community is to understand what happened during a period called the “Mid-Pleistocene-Transition” which took place between 0.8 to 1.2 Million years ago. During this period, a major transition in the rhythm and intensity of the ice age cycles and scientists are trying to identify the factors of this major change.

Better understanding past climat changes is crucial to improve our knowledge of climate mechanisms and climate models that are used to predict future climate changes.

Ice Cores: A natural archive to reconstruct and understand past climate changes by Cirenia Arias Baldrich is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

Download DEEPICE infographics in landscape format for printing in English or in French.

These infographics on ice core sciences can be used for educational and outreach activities as long as their use comply with the CC 4.0 license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International).

DEEPICE Factsheet

This factsheet gives the key information about DEEPICE project. Download it by clicking on the image.

Past Global Changes Magazine – special issue on ice cores, featuring DEEPICE project

Two early-career research networks, DEEPICE and ICYS, have contributed and edited this Past Global Changes Magazine issue, which contains 26 science highlights on ice cores and new developments in analytical techniques.

The full magazine is available for download here.